Rep. Huffman Votes to Pass Rules for Open Hearings on Trump’s Abuse of Power

October 31, 2019

Washington, D.C.- Today, Representative Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) voted to approve a special House resolution that will lay the groundwork for the next phase of the impeachment inquiry as the House prepares for public hearings into the conduct of President Trump. Congressman Huffman, an early supporter of an impeachment inquiry against President Trump, issued the following statement:

“This is a critical time in our nation’s history. By passing this resolution, the House of Representatives is showing the American people that we are committed to upholding our oath to defend the Constitution and safeguard our democracy,” said Representative Huffman. “We will continue to uncover the truth despite attempts by the President and his partisan allies to obstruct our investigation and mislead Americans through reckless stunts and lies. Given the magnitude of the President's abuse of power, it's important that we lay out the case with  transparency, public testimony, and a process that is clear and fair. The evidence of the President’s betrayal of his oath becomes clearer each day and this public-facing phase of our impeachment inquiry will set the stage for the American people to hear the facts directly.”

The Rules Committee fact sheet on the impeachment procedures is available here

A chart on presidential protections afforded in modern impeachment inquiries is available here

A “frequently asked questions” fact sheet is available here


This impeachment process is consistent with prior precedent, including the impeachments of Presidents Nixon and Clinton. A federal district judge soundly rejected the White House and Republicans’ frivolous claim that the House must have a full vote to initiate an impeachment inquiry. Although a vote is not required, House Democrats are committed to conducting a fair, full, and balanced impeachment inquiry.  


  • In the case of President Nixon, the House began investigating grounds for impeachment in October 1973 but did not pass a formal authorizing resolution until February 1974 and did not enact due process procedures until May 1974. Throughout this period and after the passage of the procedures, the Judiciary Committee conducted multiple closed-door interviews.
  • In the case of President Clinton, Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr spent four years investigating the president, using closed-door interviews and grand jury hearings that were not open to the public, the President, or Congress. The Judiciary Committee did not adopt procedural protections or hold public hearings until one month after receiving the Starr Report.

